Membership Purposes
- To promote closer cooperation between engineering personnel to improve the performance of each individual in the Society.
- To disseminate information regarding legislation in the state and national congresses which will affect health care institutions.
- To develop educational programs to broaden the knowledge of the members concerning codes, standards, rules, and inspections, and up-to-date requirements for both governmental and non-governmental inspection agencies.
- To support the programs of area chapters and encourage the formation of new chapters in areas which are not presently served.
- To initiate and support research projects and studies.
- To provide statewide representation at the American Society of Hospital Engineering (ASHE) meetings, and other professional associations as deemed advisable by the Board of Directors.
- To provide a united group for presenting information to the legislature on pertinent subjects.
Membership Provides
- Educational opportunities
- Professional development
- Exchange of information and ideas
- Member recognition program
- Directory of membership
- Newsletter with current information regarding the Society’s activities
- Notice of regulatory changes in health care codes and standards affecting Health Facility Engineering
- Access to technical papers and reports
- Professional contacts in specialized areas
- Professional friendships and contacts