Webinar – Decarbonization 2 of 3
Today, Healthcare represents almost 20% of the US National Economy, 10% of US carbon emissions, and 5% of global carbon emissions… and growing. Rather than “doing no harm,” healthcare is actively fueling the carbon fire. Reducing onsite combustion – a key to eliminating carbon emissions — is notoriously difficult. Together we can (and must) change that paradigm. Join this session to learn about the strategies and technologies healthcare organizations around the country are implementing to tackle their carbon footprint and achieve carbon neutrality. The session will also share THE decarbonizing guidebook for hospitals, which serves as a reference tool for hospital owners, operators, designers, architects, engineers, and regulators to understand the benefits of using advanced technologies and designs to minimize natural gas use, reduce GHG emissions, reduce healthcare costs and provide benefits for utility ratepayers. In addition to the technical content, discover the motivational tools and community to help overcome these barriers, including a carbon challenge program.
Webinar – Decarbonization 3 of 3
Recently, the HHS issued a challenge for US Healthcare systems to commit to reducing their GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 and 100% by 2050. Over 140 organizations have already signed on and are setting goals and motivated to make progress. However, many organizations are now grappling with, where do I begin? The first step, is to measure the organization’s own carbon footprint by completing a GHG inventory. A good inventory illustrates the information an organization needs to benchmark its impact, make an educated commitment, set achievable goals, and prioritize reduction efforts for greatest impact. This session will step through the measuring process, and give the attendees an understanding of the fundamentals of a GHG inventory, a clear list of action items to begin their own inventory, and the confidence to take the first step.